Take the start-up test

What does this test provide?

Success Factors

Discover the factors that determine startup success

Improvement Opportunities

Gain visibility into improvement opportunities that dramatically increase startup success


Compare start-up with others and identify differences

Investment decision

Determine if the start-up is investment-worthy


The characteristics of a start-up are:

  • Solves a concrete problem from a new angle.
  • Focused on innovation and growth.
  • Product and revenue model are not yet set in stone.
  • Still makes (almost) no profit.
  • Has been active for less than five years.
  • Has a certain probability of failure.

When is a start-up successful? This is an important question. The book’s definition emphasizes solving a problem, having impact, as well as focusing on and realizing growth. You can say that the start-up is successful when there is clear growth and impact. An intended change has been realized, a dent in a pack of butter has been made. Achieving a profitable operation is near. You could say that a start-up is successful if the company realizes maximum impact in a profitable way.

To be sure

We will never show the individual results of a specific start-up online to third parties. We do show average scores on the various dimensions, because that’s how you can benchmark a start-up with peers. The data entered will not be passed on or sold to third parties.

The website does not ask for personal data and therefore cannot store them. Also, individual scores of start-ups from the test are never released or published. We do not provide the data and scores to third parties. Company data and scores are also well protected against loss or unlawful processing. The protection of information about a start-up is well in place.